Sunako & those 4 boys,or shud i say beauty and the beast?
Currently im finishing up this series..its a manga series by Tomoko Hayakawa..ade 85++ chapter..skrg ni aku dah baca smpai chapter yg ke 66..
xsengaja tjumpe review cite ni dlm intenet..kebetulan mase tu tgh cari2 cite baru..rase cm best je..so..thats it..this is my very own review..harta intelek oo..
This story is about Sunako Nakahara, a girl who give up to be a girl after she had been rejected and being called UGLY GIRL by his crush. She used to be a girl who cares about her hair,pimples and so on. But after the incident, Sunako started to neglect her appearance and decided to live in the darkness, with her so-called friend(which is a skeleton and 2 anatomical figure) and starting to hate crowd and light(she claimed that she will melting under the excessive light)
Her aunty, who is a landlady which own a mansion,rented the mansion to 4 gorgeous highschool boys (about same age with Sunako), which are Kyohei Takano, Takenaga Oda, Yukinojo Toyama and Morii Ranmaru.But, the landlady put one condition to them which is, if they can change creepy Sunako to a perfect lady, they can live in the mansion without paying a single cent.
So, there are lot of funny(sometimes creepy too) incident happens when Sunako is forced to live with those pretty boys(she called them radiant creature) and always get a nosebleed whenever she look at them(especially Kyohei). Those boys tried so hard to change Sunako to lady, but usually end up either they are scared with Sunako or just let Sunako to be herself to make her happy. As the story progress, Kyohei realised that he had develop feeling to Sunako.
Orait..thats the story..as for me..this is a typical shoujo manga. Sometimes those boys reminds me about Ouran boys. Kyohei reminds me of Tama-chan, Yuki=Honey-senpai and Takenaga resemble Kyouya. But never mind..Ouran boys just way hotter than them..kikiki..And Sunako..she's really scary..she reminds me of the ghost from The Rings(the one from the well)..aiyak..its creepy when i read this series at the midnight..seriously..haha...meremang bulu roma..tu yg baca time2 siang je..
About the other boys..personally i love yuki..he is just too cute and sensitive..slalu nanges ketakutan bila nmpak Sunako tgk DVD seram..haha..comel gile..other ppl usually call him little one..cute sgt aku rase..Oda is more to cool type and intellegent boy..and he has steady girlfriend too..Morii is more a prince type,a gentlemen who just love aged woman(isteri org pun die kebas)..and an ultimate player..which biase2 aku rase..xensem mane pun..ensem lagi Mori-senpai(Ouran)..hoho..
ending cite nih..xtau lagi..since the mangaka still continue publishing the series..dan aku pun ade lagi suku chapter nk kene baca..but i do hope Sunako will become a lady since she is a beautiful girl and of course..will end up with Kyohei..im looking forward to it..
thats it for now..till then..daa~
update on 13feb: i started to d/load this anime on utube..tp baru 2epi..tu pun d/load waktu lab biod mlm td..hehe..k-ka-kaa-kawaiii..comel sgt sunako-chan..nk sambung dload dlm bilik..intenet lembab plak..nyampah akuuu!!
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