rajah di atas ialah Lycopodium stem;showing pectostele
setiap odd week de lab..penat ow
..3hrs..then sbgai student bio xlain xbkn xtvt kitorang dlm lab biodiversity ialah:
1.observe specimen under microscope
2.then draw..draw..and draw..
dis is the damn pic dat i've to draw..so tiring!!look at the bulat2 kekecik tu..walopun senang tp leceh gile seyh..byk lagi pic yg kene lukis tp yg ni
paling xbleh blah skali..
pastu teringat lak mase kekecik..lagu bulat kecil bulat kecil bulat la besar..syg mama syg papa syg semua..6 kali 6 36..pusing kiri pusing kanan anak beruang..haha..tu je la penghibur ati mase lukis pic bulat2 nih..

then abg tu dgn selamba jwb..kalu xmo lukis2..gi tukar cos sane..huhuh..barula tersedar dr mimpi..dis is what a biology student have to do..
lab plant anatomy..uish..damn it..laagi bosann..lab cell biology best sket kot..huhu
oh yeah..whatever it is..biology rocks!!
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